A Journey through the observation of Civilizations and their Cultures!

Civilizations born from cultures and their collective manifestation of life and daily living.

Have you stopped for a moment and think why rivers and forests in certain countries on Earth are clean and free of pollution? Why, when we look at Italy, France, England, Denmark, Finland rivers, the waters run clean? That is education, that is culture, that starts in the family, that starts in the school.

Our Future starts in the family
Photo Credit: @senivpetro at freepik.com

From our Families through our schools, the information is passed to kids, and they grow up to be health adults that understand the importance of keeping our environment clean. However, that is not the only issue. Societies and cultures must provide basic sanitation to our cities and their neighborhoods. When I was in the San Mateo college, one of our teachers took us to a road trip to visit the waste and water treatment of the region. I am remembering being perplexed looking the waste treatment phases and the harvesting of methane in the process of this waste management. This gas methane was being used to move the machines responsible to separate the rejects until clean water was generated in the ending process. Therefore, it is possible to develop societies and cities where the waste is completely managed in all aspects of the route. It is a cultural issue that involve educative phases from individuals, their families, the industry, all the way to the government body. When we look to why some people can do it and others not, we have to go back and analyze what type of education that individual received in their early life. If this individual never had a class of Anthropology, Sociology and Political history, he/she is hardly going to get what is and what is not in their life. Then, this individual might end up to take office in the government or in the industry and from his views and actions the world will be created and developed.

Peace is not only a word to be repeated from our mouth up. Peace is an action. We must learn and act to live peaceable with our environment, our planet.


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